Welcome to Bristle Talk
Find the latest news, Ideas, and trial and error techniques.Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas.:-) I will be giving away canvas prints tomorrow 12-23-2020 8 pm EST So stay tuned you pay shipping and it's yours. (shipping will be calculated after a winner is announced) Old Wise Tree Restful Twilight
Pathway To Color _ intro sketch acrylic
This short clip is the intro to pathway To Color tutorial.enjoy. Pathway To Color-Intro Sketch from Michael Thompson on Vimeo.
Simple Clouds
Learn To Paint Simple Clouds In this tutorial, I will help you learn to paint clouds with just a few colors. With this quick 45 minute tutorial, you can learn how to create stunning clouds. Now Available
Mountain Falls March-21-2019
knife painting video tutorial.
Palms View-March-11-2019
New Tutorial is out today Palms View, is available now! This is a wet-on-wet tutorial, you will learn how to paint palm trees, a beautiful sky, and a nice sunset. Grab a copy or join one of the memberships today!
By The Pond -March-4-2019
Here is a great tutorial for the beginner. A reminder of growing up in the country... This painting has a very nice feel to it. You can get a copy in the store today, or join one of the memberships.
Winter’s Red Barn II
Coming January 31, 2019 update: the update will be shortly delayed due to flu season thank you for your understanding. New advanced painting tutorial , 2 hour 50 min for serious painters. Painted in traditional style this painting was created over time (about 3...
2018 Painting Update
Hello to all my painting friends, it is a new year already the end of January to be correct, Wow how time flies.. I want to update everyone, I know that I have not posted anything in for a while, so here it is I am going to be releasing a brand new series...
Painting Tree Limbs • TvPainter • Painting Lessons
Painting Tree Limbs • TvPainter • Painting Lessons Most beginning artist have problems using certain brushes. I think most of it comes from not having experience using their painting tools. I created this narrated video, for your convenience to help you...
Cleaning Brushes
Cleaning Artist Brushes • Beginners • Tvpainter.com The word "clean your brushes" ,after painting or the whole cleanup process seems to get a bad name. In our minds from time to time. Should it be a chore? What I like to call it is therapy 🙂 it is as much a part of...
Easy Palette For Painting
Easy Palette With Freezer Paper Let's talk about the Painter's Palette. Throughout the years of being an artist and loving to paint as much as I can, I have picked up a thing or two I am always looking for things that help You and I save ($$$) money. Today I want to...
Tvpainter-May 2016
We got new Sales going up in May, and new classes if you are in the area and would like to take class we welcome you. 🙂 Visit the new events calendar page to see what dates are available and you can reserve your seat(s) for the class. I...
April 2016
Just a quick note, I have added a new events calendar to the site, so you can see where I will be teaching classes and art shows I will be at. you can also sign up for art classes on the events calendar and reserve a seat if you are going to be in town that day, I...
February 2016
Paint And Shine …
Well it is August 2015 and we are already in the middle of the month, WOW! time flies by. Some quick updates on what is happening First- I had the pleasure of meeting a great writer, I was a vendor at a festival earlier this year. A customer purchased a...
July 2015
If you like Lighthouses Read More…
June Class 2015
June art class, My monthly class is held in Dalton, GA. 30720 on the first Thursday of each month unless Holidays, sickness things like that.. This was another exciting painting! Purchase the video DVD or Digital Copy Here are the materials I used. Colors Brushes ...
May Class 2015
This was another exciting painting! Red Rock Summer Purchase the video DVD or Digital Copy May art class, My monthly class is held in Dalton, GA. 30720 on select Saturdays of each month unless Holidays, sickness things like that.. Here are the materials I used....
April 2015
April art class, My monthly class is held in Dalton, GA. 30720 on the first Thursday of each month unless Holidays, sickness things like that.. This was another exciting painting! Purchase the video DVD or Digital Copy Here are the materials I used.
Art Class March 2015
Our March art class had wonderful opportunities in this painting, We did acrylic Gesso under painting let it dry, then we coated the canvas with a ultra thin coat of Linseed Oil? I know some artist do not like to use Linseed Oil they say it yellows over...
Art Class February 2015
February art class, was another great little project "Beauty fall" I repainted this painting the original idea is in the coming this year section this will be available in March as a video art lesson, Materials I used. Purchase the DVD or the Digital Copy. Paint...
Art Class January 2015
What a great way to start off the year with this beautiful winter painting! "Winter Blues" this was our painting subject on 1-8-2015 I liked it so much I repainted it for a video tutorial. Now available in the store, grab a copy now! Materials I used, Paint Brushes...
Art Class December 2014
Art Class December 2014 • Dalton, Ga 30720 My December Art Class 2014 in Dalton, GA, We did not have a class in November but here is a brand new painting it is hard to believe that another year has almost passed. I hope you enjoy this and give it a try, I wish you a...
Art Class October 2014
Art Class October 2014 • Dalton, Ga 30720 My October Art Class 2014 in Dalton, GA has come and gone, here is a brand new painting it is hard to believe that another month has passed. I teach this class monthly if you are going to be near by and want to come paint let...
Art Class September
Art Class September 2014 • Dalton, Ga 30720 if you get a chance try this one you can post yours on our facebook page. Hello,:-) I hope all is well, I wanted to share another painting from our art class with you from our September Class in Dalton, GA. I teach this...