Simple Clouds

Simple Clouds

Learn To Paint Simple Clouds In this tutorial, I will help you learn to paint clouds with just a few colors. With this quick 45 minute tutorial, you can learn how to create stunning clouds. Now...

Tvpainter-May 2016

We got new Sales going up in May, and new classes if you are in the area and would like to take class we welcome you. 🙂 Visit the new events calendar page to see what dates are available and you can reserve your seat(s) for the class.     I will be doing...

April 2016

Just a quick note, I have added a new events calendar to the site,  so you can see where I will be teaching classes and art shows I will be at. you can also sign up for art classes on the events calendar and reserve a seat if you are going to be in town that day, I...


Well it is August 2015 and we are already in the middle of the month, WOW! time flies by. Some quick updates on what is happening First- I had the pleasure of meeting a great writer, I was a vendor at a festival earlier this year. A customer purchased a painting from...